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New Paper: Human Footprint and Forest Disturbance Reduce Space Use of Brown Bears (Ursus arctos) Across Europe


Check out this new paper that leveraged a unique dataset of 758 annual GPS movement trajectories from 375 brown bears (Ursus arctos) across the species' range in Europe, to investigate the effects of human pressure, resource availability and predictability, forest cover and disturbance, and area-based conservation measures on brown bear space use.

Population and sex-specific sample sizes (n annual bear tracks) and respective distribution of space use metrics: Home range sizes (km2), 10-day and 1-day displacement distances (km), collected for eight European brown bear populations. Boxplots extend from the population and sex-specific 25th to 75th percentile, with the mean as horizontal line and the data range as whiskers. Male bears generally occupied larger home ranges and moved more than females. All space use metrics were log-transformed for analyses but Y-axis labels are given at the km2/km scale to facilitate interpretation.
Population and sex-specific sample sizes (n annual bear tracks) and respective distribution of space use metrics: Home range sizes (km2), 10-day and 1-day displacement distances (km), collected for eight European brown bear populations. Boxplots extend from the population and sex-specific 25th to 75th percentile, with the mean as horizontal line and the data range as whiskers. Male bears generally occupied larger home ranges and moved more than females. All space use metrics were log-transformed for analyses but Y-axis labels are given at the km2/km scale to facilitate interpretation.

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The Scandinavian Brown Bear Project

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

Trondheim, Norway


Copyright © 2023 Scandinavian Brown Bear Research Project | Site by Aimee Tallian

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