- pics of bear hunting in Scandinavia
- any pictures of bears in the wild
- pictures of bear foods (newborn moose and reindeer; ants; reindeer and moose; bears on kills; all the different berries)
- pic of GPS collar (in a field setting)
- pics of different types of bear dens
- pics of the study area in general (in different seasons)
- pics of hunting dogs
- pics of people doing fieldwork other then capture
- some sort of group photo (possibly at the meeting in June)
Finish all learn about bears text (after Alex comments) and deal with pictures
Add a tab to Learn About Bears called "Humans and Bears" or something (or are bears dangerous) and then add text about the approach studies, etc.
Add a history of brown bear vs grizzly hover box to the genetics section (Difference between BB and GB)
The seperated ~10,000 years ago. Same species, but differ in behavior and some life history traits, etc. ​
About the Project Page
add logos
add pics
Research Overview Page
add pictures etc. ​
Add logo page to collaborators section somewhere
JUNE meeting:
get group photo​
come up with SBP one liner slogan
Get people thinking about pics